Full Moon Bouquet Subscription

$44.44 every month

The Full Moon Bouquet features blooms to help you to release, accept, and reflect on the culmination of your efforts. A petite bouquet with 6 to 9 stems. Seasonal, local flowers always when possible, and designer’s choice. Wrapped in a compostable hydrating wrap, and delivered the week of a full moon.


Full moons can often make us feel like everything is turned up a notch! But as they say, ya gotta feel it to heal it. Full Moons bring it all to the surface and help us to realize what might have been unseen whether it be emotions, challenges, or opportunities. It’s a time to reflect on what seeds have come to fruition, manifest, and release what is no longer serving us.

At this time we only offer delivery. Deliveries take place Tuesday thru Thursday up to 15 miles away from Poplar Grove, Salt Lake City. We only offer same day deliveries if placed before noon. If after noon, it will be delivered on the next delivery day.